Hi Export,
I am getting error while i am installing Sap Ecc6.0 Ehp 6 at the Phase of Perform ORA Postload Activity.
The error is in sapinst.log
INFO 2015-11-18 12:00:52.549
Removed file /tmp/sapinst_instdir/BS2011/ERP606/AS-ABAP/ORA/CENTRAL/ora_query3_tmporaw220_1.sql.
INFO 2015-11-18 12:00:52.551
Creating file /tmp/sapinst_instdir/BS2011/ERP606/AS-ABAP/ORA/CENTRAL/ora_query3_tmporaw220_1.sql.
INFO 2015-11-18 12:00:53.894
Creating file /tmp/sapinst_instdir/BS2011/ERP606/AS-ABAP/ORA/CENTRAL/brconnect.log.
INFO 2015-11-18 12:00:53.977
Output of /usr/sap/W22/SYS/exe/run/brconnect -u / -c -f chpass -o SAPSR3 -p XXXXXX is written to the logfile brconnect.log.
WARNING 2015-11-18 12:00:54.283
Execution of the command "/usr/sap/W22/SYS/exe/run/brconnect -u / -c -f chpass -o SAPSR3 -p XXXXXX" finished with return code 5. Output:
BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.20 (36)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2015-11-18 12.00.54
BR0828I Changing password for database user SAPSR3 ...
BR1628E Invalid charcter '@' in database password
BR0832E Changing password for user SAPSR3 failed
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2015-11-18 12.00.54
BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors
ERROR 2015-11-18 12:00:54.285
CJS-30023 Process call '/usr/sap/W22/SYS/exe/run/brconnect -u / -c -f chpass -o SAPSR3 -p XXXXXX' exits with error code 5. For details see log file(s) brconnect.log.
ERROR 2015-11-18 12:00:55.474
FCO-00011 The step setOraclePasswords with step key |NW_ABAP_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|onehost|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|createdbandload|0|NW_Postload|ind|ind|ind|ind|postload|0|NW_Postload_ORA|ind|ind|ind|ind|ora|0|setOraclePasswords was executed with status ERROR ( Last error reported by the step: Process call '/usr/sap/W22/SYS/exe/run/brconnect -u / -c -f chpass -o SAPSR3 -p XXXXXX' exits with error code 5. For details see log file(s) brconnect.log.).
INFO 2015-11-18 12:00:56.241
Creating file /tmp/sapinst_instdir/BS2011/ERP606/AS-ABAP/ORA/CENTRAL/__instana_tmp.xml.
INFO 2015-11-18 12:00:59.285
Removed file /tmp/sapinst_instdir/BS2011/ERP606/AS-ABAP/ORA/CENTRAL/instslana.xml.
INFO 2015-11-18 12:00:59.287
Creating file /tmp/sapinst_instdir/BS2011/ERP606/AS-ABAP/ORA/CENTRAL/instslana.xml.
INFO 2015-11-18 12:01:02.316
An error occurred and the user decided to stop. Current step "|NW_ABAP_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|onehost|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|createdbandload|0|NW_Postload|ind|ind|ind|ind|postload|0|NW_Postload_ORA|ind|ind|ind|ind|ora|0|setOraclePasswords".
INFO 2015-11-18 12:01:04.364
Working directory changed to /tmp/sapinst_instdir/BS2011/ERP606/AS-ABAP/ORA/CENTRAL.
INFO 2015-11-18 12:01:06.412
Cancelled task 0.
INFO 2015-11-18 12:01:06.460
Creating file /tmp/sapinst_instdir/.lastInstallationLocation.
I checked the BRConnect.log
The log contain Below error
BR0801I BRCONNECT 7.20 (36)
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2015-11-18 12.00.54
BR0828I Changing password for database user SAPSR3 ...
BR1628E Invalid charcter '@' in database password
BR0832E Changing password for user SAPSR3 failed
BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2015-11-18 12.00.54
BR0804I BRCONNECT terminated with errors
My System Configuration:
I feel Happy If anyone solve this Problem.