Hi All,
Please suguest the setting/Config in ECC :so that In APO to create Planned orders for Primary resource/workcenter first after that when Overload Primary resource shift /create planned orders to Secondary Resource
1) Repetitive Routing CA23 using in current project which has different version with different Resource/work center in PDS which is not working
In Routing have different production versions with different group with different Work center: which is not working for creating planned orders for primary resource first then if overload shift to secondary resource ,So I tried to test for Normal Routing
2) Normal Routing CA02: I Tried do configuration and did testing for Normal Routing but not working please suggest
I have tried to do in 3 different process in Routing 1)2 Operation with diiferant workcenter 2)Sequence in routing 3)Created Characteristics and class and assign to routing but getting error