We upgraded our development system to 10.1 SP10. I am having a problem with the user risk analysis report. The risk level works fine if I select any risk level but "all". When I select "all" risk level the results are empty.
I did apply the following note with 2231508 prior to having this problem. I was trying to correct a residual 5 being in the risk for the "all" feature. Before I applied this note the selections for risk were "5", critical, high, medium, low and all. The report was working but I had to choose the all from the pull down and the "5" was also there. I have checked SPRO parameter 1024 and it is set to "5" meaning all. Since I applied the note 2231508 now the "5" is gone, but the "all" will not work. It works for the rest of the risks if I select as their value individually.
I have been searching for a note but have not been able to find one to fix this.
Thank you,