I have a planning sequence that takes as input a year and a version.
The functionality of the plannning sequence is to copy data from one version to another (the one the user will input in the selection screen).
I have binded the variables for year and version and executed the planning sequence but I get an error saying that I have not filled in any value for version.
I have tried to hard code the value for the version but I still get an error saying that I have not passed any value for version.
I tested the planning sequence in RSPLAN and on analysis for office and it works fine.
The syntax used is :
PS_1.copyVariableValue(DS_1, "Version variable");");
PS_1.copyVariableValue(DS_1, "Year variable");
Since there is an exit on the version variable, I have also tried to bind the variable as follows:
PS_1.setVariableValueExt("Version variable", DS_1.getStaticFilterExt("Version object"));
I have debugged the exit and till the end, it does have a value for version but I am still getting an error saying that version is null.
Can anybody help?