Hi experts,
I have a very urgent requirement. I have to make a document upload function at a module pool screen.
1. Document Have 4 categories.
2. Each category can have multiple documents uploaded in different type of formats, i.e. .doc, .xls, .pdf, and .png .
3. User will select a category and will select a document to upload on presentation server. When he will click on upload it will be go under that category
and should be saved on application server. Documents uploaded would be displayed later in a hierarchy view (if document uploaded it will display a
tick mark against that document in hierarchy as uploaded).
4. Later when user will click on a document in hierarchy, it should open that document too.
My requirements:
1. How to make upload function to save documents on application server ?
2. How to display those documents as uploaded ?
3. How to make functionality that a user click on a document, it will open that document too ?
Please help asap, It's an urgent requirement.