I've got a problem on a system running 4.6c where a statement
INTO TABLE afvv_tab
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN aufpl_pre_tab
WHERE aufpl EQ aufpl_pre_tab-aufpl.
returns an error code SQL -129 (which means sql statement contains too many tables).
It clearly does not contain too many tables in the SQL statement, and there is only one entry in the internal table aufpl_pre_tab.
If I use strsql to execute the statement
select * from afvv where aufpl='<the value from aufpl_pre_tab>'
it returns correctly the 3 entries that it should.
The system has recently been recovered from a backup after a series of disk failures occurred. I'm told the restore was successful and clean.
Does anyone have any idea what could cause this?
[and yes, I know 4.6c is not supported any longer...]