i experts,
We are on GTS 8.0 with TREX and experience a problem in the SPL checks.
Our SPL records are delivered by MK Data. As you know the file also contains de-listed entries, for marketing purposes.
We have 2 problems with that:
- When a new customer is created in the feeder system, the SPL is still taking those de-listed records into account. Causing a high number of false prositives.
- When we perform the periodic rescreening of the database, again these de-listed partners are causing false positives.
So question is: what settings do we need to do in order for de-listed records to be ignored for the SPL check.
Today, we have the below control settings; we already experimented with:
- Validity: include both from and to date
- Exclude expired addresses: tick the box
- Take past check results into account: tick the box
Nothing seems to work. Seems more related to the feeder system data than the MK data records.
In a previous post I saw a reference to an OSS note, but that was on expired list types - my problem is expired records...
Anybody any idea?