The requirement is to post the levy charges as separate line item on customers account. Currently I can see line item for levy charges in FPl9 but its description is of consumption charges (since t_fkkop in T_VKK_DOC_ID has internal tvorg corresponding to consumption charges ).
I need to delete the existing line item and create new line item corresponding to levy charges. I am making changes in T_VKK_DOC_ID in event R402. It is giving error when I delete the existing entry in from t_fkkop and pass the new entry in n_fkkop. Can anyone please help me with this?
Also I am not able to identify which line item from t_fkkop corresponds to levy charges (as tvorg is of consumption charge). So maybe I need to create all new fkkop and fkkopk data usingT_BILL_DOC-IERCHZ entries. Is there any FM using which I can create correct fkkop and fkkopk entries.
Thanks in advance.