I have a simple question from within the report painter used within SAP-CO.
Total per account
Profit-Center group: PCA4711 5.000
Profit-Center: 4711-A 2.000
4711-B 3.000
Within the report painter with Excel being activated I get (upon click on either the group of one of the profit-centers)
always one Excel-Workbook with one worksheet.
Is there an elegant way to
either export to Excel so that (e.g.) each profit-center (4711-A and 4711-B in the example) is stored within one separate Excel worksheet within one file
export "in one click" so that (referring to the example above) two files (one for 4711-A and one for 4711-B) are created?
I do not want to work with line item reports here.
Any help would be appreciated.
With kind regards