I have one problem. While executing the Zclass through the Badi, I am getting the Below Error like.
Error Occured During the Abap generation of the test frame for Zclass.
First I would like to Tell u What is My requirement.
Requirement: I would like to update the Purchase Order Item level Zfields. So, in Zfields are Type Some are Char, Only one is With Decimals like quantity Fields. I am using Bapi_po_Change. Line level Qty fields i am able to update. Which means my bapi Code is working. But Custom Fields i am not able to update. Header i am having 2 char fields, This one i can able to update. In the same i would like to update Item level fields.
But Code is not able to update the Zcustom Fields of Item level.
After Error analyses. There are Some sap notes. as per the notes. Fields which are having the Decimals It will not update.
In bapi Return code I had Checked. It is showing the error as.
ME 887 - Error transferring ExtensionIn data for enhancement CI_EKKODB
ME 887 - Error transferring ExtensionIn data for enhancement CI_EKPODB
While updating the program : SAPL2012 and Include :L2012F23, it is Checking the Fields of type. and throw the Error message.
As per the below post I need to implement the Badi.
BAPI_PO_CREATE1 - Message ME 887
After create the Badi , If i run Source code means Bapi_po_change. Dump file is creating Automatically.
My Main problem, Through the badi one Zclass i had created, If i execute In Se24 that Zclass i am Getting the Error, May be this is the problem
Please have a look on below attached Image.Has any body knows what is the problem.
First I Would Like to , tell u how i create the Badi
Step1)Open Se18 Then open the Badi. ME_BAPI_PO_CUST In Display Mode. Then Right Click on the Bapi_Po_Cust, then i press the Create Badi Implementation.
Step2)Then Create the Enhancement Implementation.
Step3) Then I click on the New Enhancement Implementation.
Step4) Then Immediately it is asking the Badi Implementation, Class. I given like below.
Step5)Then it is asking the Class , I Selected the button Empty class.
Step6) Then badi Will created, While creating I was implemented all the methods. Just double click on the all the methods. under the Zclass.
Then i was checked and Activated Both Badi and Zclass There is no Eeror, Even there is no Information Message also. But
After execute the Zclass , It is showing the error. Like below.
Error Occured during the abap generation of the test frame for zclass.
Has any body faced this type of problem, Please Inform me. Need your valuable suggestions Please.