I migrated the BO content from BO 3.1 to BO 4.1 SP7 with Upgrade Management tool with security option selected.
When I click a user in BO 4.1 for Eg: "testUser" in CMC "Users and Groups". Right Click user "testUser" and select "User Security", I find rights such as "Administrators" and "Everyone" group rights and "testUser" rights i.e. "Advanced" added by default.
There are about 400 users. So, for every user, user right is added by default as "Advanced". I have to delete the User's rights manually by clicking "User Security" for each user i.e. 400, in order to make user security consistent with BO 3.1.
After removing the User's rights, I promoted the BO content from BO 4.1 development to BO 4.1 test.
In BO 4.1 test also, I find the user's rights getting added by default to each user. So, I have to remove each User's right manually.
Please experts suggest me how to resolve this behaviour.
Thanks in advance.