Dear All,
For few North East State Emps Income Tax is calculating though they are exempt from the Income Tax according to Sec-10 (26 ).
Till the last month there was no Tax calculated for those Emps.
In the current month their basic pay is increased with effect from back date. i.e In the period of Oct for the period of May Basic has been changed.
From this month onwards Income Tax is calculating for the Emps whose Basic Pay was changed with effect from back date. I have checked all the configuration.
1) Maintained 0077 IT
2) NETAX in T511K set as 1
3) 40NET Feature
4) V_7IN0P_All for PA PSA North East Tax Exemption Check Mark.
Still system is calculating Tax for the Emps whose Basic Pay Infotype changed with effect from back date.
Request you all please help me in this regard.
Thanks & Regards,
Mastan Shaik.