I am trying to get a system related info from the Database server and I know that this query works when executed by itself. Now, I am trying to execute this in my program. But i am unable to capture the output in a variable lv_pagesteal which I have declared as a char10. I am not sure if I am putting the 'into :lv_pagesteal' at the right place in the code.. I am getting a DBIF_DSQL2_SQL_ERROR . I copied the same code into ST04, native sql command line without the 'into :lv_pagesteal'. This works fine and I get the % Steals..
I am trying to capture % Page Steals information from the Database server.
data : lv_pagesteal(10). exec sql. with dbsnap as ( select float(pool_drty_pg_steal_clns) as pg_steal, pool_drty_pg_steal_clns + pool_drty_pg_thrsh_clns + pool_lsn_gap_clns as total_clns from table(snap_get_db_v97(CAST (NULL AS VARCHAR(128)),-2)) ) select dec((pg_steal / nullif(total_clns,0))*100,5,2) as "% Steals" into :lv_pagesteal from dbsnap endexec.