We have extended CRM accounts app using web IDE and added a custom field in the display view - General Data. We also extended the back end ODATA and tested the field in the Gateway Client.
This custom ODATA URI is added in the Descriptor Editor of the web IDE, in the Data Sources View as shown below. If I change the CRM_BUPA_ODATA to the custom service ID (ZCRM_BP_SRV), the system is not considering the new URI (/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZCRM_BP_SRV/)
Testing this above config, the custom field works perfectly in the web IDE, however when deployed to the back end, the system is not displaying the field value in the view.
We are having multiple ODATA service implementations activated for the CRM_BUPA_ODATA. Is this causing any issue?
In the "Add Data Source" of the manifest.json, descriptor file, what should be the "Name" & URI values? Are the values give in the above manifest.json correct?