I have been tasked with creating a report of closed service tickets for a given month. This report would also need to have a chart with closed ticket totals from the previous 12 months.
I've read multiple forums and tried to figure it out myself without any luck.
My report is setup as follows:
CallLog.CallType - Total of all sub call types
CallLog.Extcaltyp - Lists each sub call type and the number of closed tickets for that category for the month
I have the grand total of all closed tickets at the bottom of the report
In the Select Expert, I use CallLog.ClosedDate to determine the month I would need to report on.
I am also using CallLog.GroupName to narrow down the groups who closed the tickets.
Where I am stumped is specifying the previous 12 months closed tickets in the chart. I've inserted a chart but can't seem to figure out where to specify the previous 12 months.
I appreciate any help anyone can provide.