Dear All,
We are upgrading our SAP R/3 4.7 to ECC 6 EHP7. O/S is AIX 6.1 and database is Db2 9.1 FP10.
We are getting following error during upgrade pre-processing .
Severe error(s) occurred in phase MAIN_SHDPREPUT/START_SHDI_PREPUT!
Last error code set: Shadow instance couldn't be started, check 'STARTSSC.LOG' and 'DEVTRACE.LOG': Process /usr/sap/OS2/SUM/abap/exe/sapcontrol exited with 2, see '/usr/sap/OS2/SUM/abap/log/SAPup.ECO' for details
Belog is the log from /usr/sap/OS2/SUM/abap/log/DEVTRACE.LOG
*** ERROR in DbSlConnectDB6[/bas/741_REL/src/dbs/db6/dbsldb6.c, 1317] CON = 0 (BEGIN)
C &+ DbSlConnectDB6: DB2DB6EKEY not found in environment or password file
C &+
C &+
C &+
C *** ERROR in DbSlConnectDB6[/bas/741_REL/src/dbs/db6/dbsldb6.c, 1317] (END)
M ***LOG R19=> ThDbConnect, db_connect ( DB-Connect 000256) [thDatabase.c 71]
M in_ThErrHandle: 1
M *** ERROR => ThInit: db_connect (step TH_INIT, thRc ERROR-DB-CONNECT_ERROR, action STOP_WP, level 1) [thxxhead.c 2323]
Environment variable DB2DB6EKEY is already set to OS2ri3pa043.
output of the command setenv
I have stopped SUM, sap on primary, shadow instances & regenerated the password file by using below command.
dscdb6up -create <connect_user password> <sidadm password>
Replaced the Kernel present in /usr/sap/OS2/SUM/abap/exe with the latest target release kernel available from service market place.
I tried to restart SUM but no luck.
I tried to start shadow instance manually, but failed with below error
ri3pa043:os2adm 10> cd /usr/sap/OS2/SUM/abap/bin
ri3pa043:os2adm 11> ./SAPup startshd
Starting shadow system ...
Starting service ...
FATAL ERROR: Process /usr/sap/OS2/SUM/abap/exe/sapcontrol exited with 2, see '/usr/sap/OS2/SUM/abap/log/SAPup.ECO' for details
I am attaching DEVTRACE.LOG, STARTSSC.LOG from /usr/sap/OS2/SUM/abap/log & dev_w0 from /usr/sap/OS2/SUM/abap/system/OS2/DVEBMGS02/work.
Can someone please check the logs & help me.