In my XML view, I have a table which is bind using javascript in the controller :
<Table growing="true" growingScrollToLoad="true" id="ItemsTable" >
this._oItemsTable.bindItems({ path: sURL, template: this._oItemTemplate });
In this table, I put an column with a combobox. I would like to be able to define the path dynamically on every Item. My problem is that the UNITSet has no relation with my table in the OData model and it is normal because unit list is linked to material number, not item number.
So I would like to bind the combobox with a path that I could determine on every item.
<ColumnListItem id="itemsListItem" type="Navigation" press="onItemPressed"><cells><ComboBox path="/MATERIALSet('material of the item')/UNITSet" selectedKey="{Unit}"><core:Item key="{Unit}" text="{UnitText}" /></ComboBox>