I was working with the sap.m.Select class and when I click on the expand arrow on the select in my ui, the popover prefers to expand upwards rather than downwards (it does expand downwards when there isn't a sufficient amount of space above it). What I want is for it to prefer to expand downwards. I was taking a look at the Select-dbg.js file and I found the _createPopover function, which looks like so:
Select.prototype._createPopover = function() {
var that = this,
oPicker = new Popover({
showArrow: false,
showHeader: false,
placement: sap.m.PlacementType.Vertical,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
initialFocus: this,
bounce: false
// detect when the scrollbar is pressed
ontouchstart: function(oEvent) {
var oPickerDomRef = this.getDomRef("cont");
if (oEvent.target === oPickerDomRef) {
that._bProcessChange = false;
}, oPicker);
return oPicker;
The thing I want to change above this _createPopover function is the placement property. By default it is set to sap.m.PlacementType.Vertical, what I would like is for it to be set to sap.m.PlacementType.VerticalPreferedBottom (the PlacementType property that corresponds with my desired behaviour). However, I do not know how to override functions of classes that are part of the ui5 library. How would I go about overriding this function to what I would like it to be and is it a good idea doing so? If not, what are the alternatives?
Jitin Dodd