In SAP B1, if you are asked for a specific item like customer name, you are provided with a blank box with a gray ball next to it. If you click on the gray ball, you will see the entire list of customer names and sometimes even more data than that. I want my Crystal report to provide that same functionality.
I have created reports with a dynamic parameter using a token (parameter name: Customer Name@SELECT...) and I can see the drop-down list when that report is run within SAP B1. Unfortunately, the drop-down list is limited to 1000 values. If our clients have more than 1000 customer names in their database, this dynamic parameter becomes useless.
How can I incorporate the SAP B1 functionality (blank box with gray ball next to it) into a Crystal report parameter so that it will provide a complete drop-down list of values?
My research indicates that it is somehow possible to use a query created in SAP B1 in a Crystal report, but I haven't figured out how that is done nor have I confirmed that such a thing is really possible.
I've created a report Command within a report and tried to create parameters from it, but nothing has worked. I don't bother to upload reports into SAP B1 unless they work in Crystal reports first so if there are situations where a report will work in SAP B1 but not in Crystal report developer, then that's pretty crazy if you ask me!
Note that I do not know SQL very well. If I create a database view with parameters in it (or would that be a stored procedure?) how do I get its parameters to map to the parameters in a Crystal report? Or are there no parameters in the report at all because they're in the view/stored procedure?
My basic need is to create a drop-down list of customer names from all closed service calls in a date range. So, I want OSCL.custmrName, OSCL.customer, OSCL.closeDate FROM OSCL WHERE (OSCL.custmrName=?Customer Name) AND (OSCL.closeDate>=?Begin Date) AND (OSCL.closeDate<=?End Date).
Any assistance or explanation would be appreciated. If I can get around the drop-down list limitation and figure out how to create parameters that work in SAP B1, I'll be in report heaven. Thanks.