My need was to automate the deactivation of the Administrator account on SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise 4.1
Basically I had to do it in command line and found a way using sql, with the following line:
- update CMS_InfoObjects7 set SI_HIDDEN_OBJECT = 1 where objectid=12;
Deactivating the administrator account may be an unusual need for a classic user, that said that's useful and fast for administrators, or for a developer like me or even for testers.
Let me give you some context:
I work on the BI Platform, to be exact on Web Intelligence. To test a specific version of the product or to develop on it, we order a pre-installed BOE (on a VM).
The pre-installed BOE comes with a default Administrator account with the same password on every machine..
We are a lot to use the service of pre-installed BOE delivery, all urls are alike and some may write the wrong url and connect on the BOE I ordered instead of his. Others could want to borrow my BOE for a quick test instead of taking the time to order and wait for it's BOE to be installed and ready to use.
So just in case I wanted to secure the access by creating my own administrator account and deactivating the administrator account.
Basically what I do is:
- Promote my own user by command line (I created a lcmbiar with one user inside which has admin rights)
- Deactivate the Administrator account
Promote my own user
Promoting a user is not the purpose of this blog post, so I let you visit this page LCM command line interface (LCMCLI) - Business Intelligence (BusinessObjects) - SCN Wiki or visit your favorite search engine with keyword lcm_cli
Deactivate the Administrator account
Default database for SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise 4.1 is SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, to access the database, we need dbisql.exe which comes with BOE.
First create a sql file, let's call it deactivate_user.sql put the following line in it:
- update CMS_InfoObjects7 set SI_HIDDEN_OBJECT = 1 where objectid=12;
Then execute the following command line (replace the default BOE path by yours if needed):
- "C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\sqlanywhere\BIN64\dbisql.exe" -nogui -c "DBN=BI4_CMS;UID=dba;PWD=MY_DBA_PASSWORD;Host=localhost:2638" deactivate_user.sql
Note: you should replace dba by the username of your database and MY_DBA_PASSWORD by your database password, same for the other parameters.
Hope it'll help someone =)