During my transmit I have a call to an oData service that returns a set of readings that need to be collected on the mobile client. Each reading returned from the oData service contains a set of meta data that will be used by my app to determine how to collect the data for the reading (min/max values, validation rules, etc). The meta data for each reading will be placed in a collection called "ReadingTemplatesCollection" and this collection will contain an object called "ReadingTemplate". One of the fields in the meta data is a string that contains the values to display in a drop down list. The field that contains the drop down choices is in format: choice1;choice2;choice3. I'm assuming that since I need to place choice1, choice2, and choice3 in a drop down I'll need to put them in a nested collection within ReadingTemplate. My question is, within an action step of my transmit, how can I parse the list of choices and then place the choices in a collection within the ReadingTemplate object?