Hi Gurus,
We are setting up Fiori application in our landscape and followed distributed landscape as below.
Gateway standalone system (Its NW 740 ABAP system example SID:XYZ) and ABAP HR system( It is on ERP 6.0 EHP7 contains HR Renenwal 2.0 FP3 example SID:ABC).
for routing requests between gateway and hr system we have configured web dispatcher (verson 742).
routing rules as below
/sap/opu/odata/;/sap/opu/sdata/ ----will go to XYz system and /sap/bc/;/sap/public/;/sap/bc/ui2;/sap/public/bc/ui2/;/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/arsrvc_suite_pb will go to ABC system.
present routing is working as expected however while routing requests each time it is asking for credentials of respective system.
so for this i wanted to achieve through SSO configuration. below steps i have followed.
1. Install the SAP Cryptographic Library on the SAP Web Dispatcher
2. Add SSL parameters in web dispatcher profile
ssl/server_pse=/sapmnt/XYZ/SAPWEBDISP/sec/ SAPWEBDISPSSLS.pse
ssl/client_pse=/sapmnt/XYZ/SAPWEBDISP/sec/ SAPWEBDISPSSLC.pse
3.Created Server PSE
right now SSL is active
However SSO is not working between above said systems.
could you please tell me is there any addtional steps i need to follow to work SSO between ABAP systems through web dispatcher.