Dear SAP experts,
Due to a bespoke process my business uses I need to be able to identify intra-comapany STO's for a specific plant with our confirmation control key set to our bespoke Z002 and amend them to our bespoke Z001.
I have created a variant within MEMASSPO to alter data on STO Purchase Orders accordingly and I have added the variant to run on an automated hourly job. Unfortunately I am finding that the variant is taking over the hour to process.
I can overcome this by manually adding the document date MASSEKKO-BEDAT". To save manually entering this I try to set the variant attributes for a set dynamic date set as "todays" date but I am unable to do so. It seems the variant on this transaction does not allow me to set the attributes as other transaction variants would.
Is there any way of setting this so that only "todays" date is considered for the field "MASSEKKO-BEDAT"?
Any suggestions would be most appreciated.