The error in phase phase MAIN_NEWBAS/XPRAS_AIMMRG in Solman 7.1 from
SPS 7 to SPS 8.
This occurred also in the development environment and the message
628790 / 2013 requested to apply note 1827161. We apply this note before start
the upgrade, but the same error occurred in the production environment.
Checks after phase MAIN_NEWBAS/XPRAS_AIMMRG were negative!
Last error code set: Detected 3 aborted activities in
Calling 'E:\usr\sap\SD1\DVEBMGS04\exe/tp' failed with return code 12,
check E:\usr\sap\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO for details
ERROR: Detected the following errors due to error summary in
# E:\usr\sap\SUM\abap\log\SAPR702XPRA90000102.SD1:
1 ETP109 version and release : "380.07.32" "721"
1 ETP198
2 EPU126XPost-import methods for change/transport request:
4 EPU111 on the application server: "gowsap01"
2 EPU122XPost-import method "SMSY_PPMS_AFTER_IMPORT" started for "PRIC"
"L", date and time: "20130708091549"
1AETR012XProgram terminated (job: "RDDEXECL", no.: "09154900")
1AEPU320 See job log"RDDEXECL""09154900""SD1"
The job RDDEXECL was Canceled
Job started
Step 001 started (program RDDEXECL, variant , user ID DDIC)
All DB buffers of application server gowsap01 were synchronized
Internal session terminated with a runtime error (see ST22)
Job cancelled
Short text
Syntax error in program "CL_AI_SC_REFRESH==============CP ".
What happened?
Error in the ABAP Application Program
The current ABAP program "SMSY_BP_UTIL==================CP" had to
terminated because it has
come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
The following syntax error occurred in program
"CL_AI_SC_REFRESH==============CP " in include
"CL_AI_SC_REFRESH==============CCIMP " in
line 670:
"O parâmetro formal "IV_ULA_GUID" não existe."
Best regards,
Ernesto Aguiar