I have a requirement to develop a report through infoset query to get the Employee's Manager or the chief of the org unit as we are not maintaining S-S relationships.
Now for the immediate manager we can use the additional field in standard query but for the next level manager I need to write a piece of code and I am totally new to ABAP coding so any sort of help would be appreciated.
This is the information I am looking to extract
Employee: 12345
Position ID: 12345678
Position text: ABCDEF
Org Unit: 56788997
Org Unit Text: HR
Manager / Chief / N+1 = 56789
Manager Position: 50000001
Manager Position Text: GHIJK
Manager 's Manager (N+2) = 65546
Manager's Manager Position ID: 987654543
Manager's Manager Position Text: HGFDFHGJ
Manager's Manager Org Unit: 87654332
Manager's Manager Org Unit Text: AHYGRTY
I need to extract the information up to 7 levels i.e. N+1, N+2, N+3, N+4.
Masroor Ahmed Siddique