the initial load of my UI5 application takes a couple of seconds on older smartphones. During the loading time, I would like to present some intermediate contents. It is pretty simple to get stuff on the index.html page by using the sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(...) method. For example:
sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () { new sap.m.Text({ text: "Hello World" }).placeAt("content"); }); sap.ui.getCore().attachInit(function () { sap.ui.require([ "zink/model/mockserver", "sap/m/Shell", "sap/ui/core/ComponentContainer" ], function (mockserver, Shell, ComponentContainer) { mockserver.init(); new Shell({ app: new ComponentContainer({ name: "zink", height: "100%" }) }).placeAt("content"); }); });
Problem is, that the intermediate part remains on the page even after the contents of my application has been loaded and displayed. I would like to remove the intermediate contents once the real contents is loaded. Any suggestions how I can achieve that?