Dear SAP gurus,
we use a separate valuation type (DEF-DEF) and separate storage locations (e.g. 0699) to store defective parts.
In MMBE a quantity for every combination of valuation type and storage is shown in column "unrestricted use". Also there is a quantity for plant level: 2 PC being the sum of 1 PC in storage location 0600 and 1 PC in storage location 0699 in the example.
The same quantity of 2 PC can be found in MM03 while displaying plant stock. The field name is LABST. The table name is RMMG3, a structure.
Our goal is to exclude the quantity of defective parts (by either excluding valuation type DEF-DEF or by excluding storage location 0699) in the calculation. Unrestricted use should only be 1 PC on plant level. Anybody knows a way to accomplish that goal?
Best regards