Hello experts.
I installed EM on my Solman 7.1 on Solaris 10 and the logs says:
[Manager] Introscope Enterprise Manager started with management module warnings.
[Manager.PostOfficeHub] Server listening for incoming default socket connections on port 6001
The guide says that i have to check this - i think that looks okay.
I can connect over emhost:8081/workstation to the EM without a problem.
The OS says that EM is running.
But in solman_setup (3.1 CA Wily Inroscope) my connection looks like this:
Or sometimes with this error:
Offline - The EM Connection cannot be established (caused by :java.sql.SQLException: Failed to establish connection to Isengard Server. Caught Exception com.wily.isengard.message.MessageUndeliverableException: Message Reply Time Out_)
I try to start as daaadm, soladm.. Permissions are correct. I rebooted a few times.
Even a click on the menupoint 3.1 takes a lot of time sometimes.
In the beginning the light was green, but changed to red after inserting my first managed system.
The configuration of the managed system at menupoint 8.1 ends with an error of "Introscope Host Adapter":
Retrieving list of Enterprise Managers failed: EM cannot be reached: SAPSOL.(company..)@6001 (host=sapsol.(company..) port=6001 user=Admin) version=(9102) name=null online=false connstring=jdbc:introscope:net//Admin:***@sapsol.(company..):6001 clockskew[sec]=0 maxconn=2 (mom=false collector=false) capacity=-1 last error: java.sql.SQLException: Failed to establish connection to Isengard Server. Caught Exception com.wily.isengard.message.MessageUndeliverableException: Message Reply Time Out
I checked other threads and notes but i cannot find the error.
The runtime information of the EMAdmin shows me a log that "The connection is refused".
I would like to copy the log here but now the CA Wily Enterprise Manager Administarion takes again a lot of time to open..
Thanks in advance. Denny