I try to make such configuration where documents
from one new content repository (to 3th party system) would be opened in internet explorer but
the rest of the repositories would be opened in SAP document viewer as those are now.
Currently I have setting in OAG4 so that
Include ECL Control and Use HTML Control is active.
And of course if I change setting to Call Interne Browser, all documents
will be opened in browser.
The help says that:
Call HTML - Control (only for HTTP Content Server)
When an HTTP content server is used, documents can be displayed in HTML control directly.
This function is only available for storage systems that are certified SAP ArchiveLink 4.5B.
This setting can be overridden in the SAPGUI for Windows by SAP ArchiveLink protocol settings.
So what kind of protocol I need to make that the setting is overriden?
And if there is something else that I need to consider.