Hi All,
I have component A with 6 views and one of the views named VOID_VIEW has another component (component B)View embedded in it. Component B is called by firing an event from the component controller of component A. This is all in there already. Business has come up with a new requirement which is In component B upon clicking on a SUBMIT button, a view of component A named PRINT_VIEW needs to called to print the invoice receipt.
I created a event in the component controller of component B called PRINT_RECEIPT and made as an interface event. I fired this event in the method of the SUBMIT action
Now in the component A, I created a method DO_VOID_PRINTING and made it as an event handler method based on the event of component B PRINT_RECEIPT( By defining component B as used component in component A).
And in this method I use the transaction ID created and print the receipt..
In debugging I see the transaction ID is passed to the fire print event but the component A is never getting called and so the receipt is never printed.
This is the first time I am handling events and so don't know much on what else need to be done.
Your valuable suggestions are much appreciated.