Dear all,
we are sending out IDOCs from our ECC System using "LS" (logical system) as well as "KU" (customers) or "LI" (Vendor) partners. For the "KU" / "LI" partners, SAP foresees to use virtual receivers as there is a translation in place and it is also shows the information in the main document, but unfortunately this is not the case for LS partners.
As I want to have a clean directories with ONE ICO per scenario and not one huge ICO for all LS partners, I am searching for a solution. In the older PI versions (classic configuration) I had an extended Receiver Determination with some custom development to determine the partner, but this will not work anymore with ICOs if I want to keep the objects separate.
I thought about having one extra flow with clever mapping and sending the data to PI itselfs (using HTTP_AAE adapter), and in general this approach is working for me, but then I was thinking about a even smarter idea but I am not sure if this will work:
--> Implement an adapter module for the IDOC_AAE sender adapter that is doing the logic and update the main document with the virtual receiver -- then configure the ICO / or sender agreement.
Now my questions:
1) multiple sender agreements (or ICOs) are using same sender channel. What comes first? The channel and module processing and then the binding to the SA or ICO?
2) Am I allowed to manipulate the Main document using an adapter module (adding the information highlighted in the red box before the channel has been bound to SA or ICO)?
Hope someone can give me an advice before I start developing such module and recognize at the end that I have not respected some points.