Transaction: SE38
URL: /cxf/ERP/COD/SimpleConnect
Test message was sent to HCI and from there to the C4C system.
Check message on HCI Monitor view:
Select message
Log file
If the message transfer failes the log can provide valuable information for troubleshooting.
Requirements on ERP side:
SSL Client certificate has to be singned by a CA.
Configuration requirements on HCI:
'Check connectiviy from SAP Business Suite' Artifact has to be configured and deployed on HCI.
The certificate in the configuration screnshot is the exported certificate from ERP SSL Client PSE which needs to be signed by a CA.
Root CA (& intermediate CA) certifcate which is also needed have to be added to the HCI truststore. This can be done by opening a SAP ticket at LOD-HCI.
Requirements on C4C side:
- creation of a communication system (=ERP)
- HCI CA certificates have to be added to C4C truststore