Hi Experts,
I got error "1470000465 - You cannot allocate bin locations in document row 1". While adding the Good receipt through DIAPI.
My Items are managed by Batch and Serial No. I need to Update/Increase my Batch stock quantity with previously/Same added batch number. But i get an above error while adding. following is my code to add receipt via DIAPI. Please tel me what is wrong in my code.
SAPbobsCOM.Documents oreceipt;
oreceipt = clsAddOn.LDNA_Company.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oInventoryGenEntry);
oreceipt.Lines.ItemCode = FeedCode;
oreceipt.Lines.Quantity = FeedinBowl;
oreceipt.Lines.UnitPrice = StockPrice;
oreceipt.Lines.AccountCode = MedLedger;
SAPbobsCOM.Items oItemFeed;
oItemFeed = clsAddOn.LDNA_Company.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oItems);
if (oItemFeed.ManageBatchNumbers == SAPbobsCOM.BoYesNoEnum.tYES)
oreceipt.Lines.BatchNumbers.BatchNumber = "Batch1" // Previous items stock is available on same batch
oreceipt.Lines.BatchNumbers.Quantity = FeedinBowl;
oreceipt.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = binAbsI;
SAPbobsCOM.DocumentLinesBinAllocations binI = oreceipt.Lines.BinAllocations;
binI.SerialAndBatchNumbersBaseLine = 0;
binI.BaseLineNumber = 0;
binI.BinAbsEntry = binAbsI;
binI.Quantity = FeedinBowl; //qty