Hi ,
I have one webi report with a prompt (project , for example) and multiple dashboards are created on this single webi report.
my requirement is to schedule this webi report for 10 different values of the prompt,
first schedule instance project = 1 ,
second schedule instance project =2....as so on), up until this point it works fine. I can see different instance with different prompt value in the history for webi report
Now i would like the Dashboard 1 to be refreshed from a specific instance (where project=1) and dashboard 2 should be refreshed from an instance where project value was set to project =3 and so on .
Note : - I have already tested by selecting specific instance in the dashboard but on next run it reads data from the latest instance which is always set to project=1.
- I don't want to created 10 webi reports with different project values. I would like to schedule only 1 webi report with different prompt value and schedule dashboard to refresh from specific instance.
webi1--prompt (Project=1)-- Instance 1 -----Dashboard 1
webi1--prompt (Project=2)-- Instance 2 -----Dashboard 2
webi1--prompt (Project=3)-- Instance 3 -----Dashboard 3
any input would be highly appreciated. or any workaround to achieve this.
BO 4,1 SP4 P12