Here the Maintenance Order error can reproduced by saving an order without "short text" first and then try saving again with a "short text" entry. For first time, it will ask to enter text (VIQMEL-QMTXT is mandatory), and in second time, even with a text entry, the message in attachment is displayed and order cannot be saved. The reason for error is that the "short text" from order is not getting copied to Notification "short text" in second time and VIQMEL-QMTXT is mandatory. We generate notification from order in this scenario.
Function module- IQS0_CREATE_NOTIF_HEADER_TEXT is updated as per note.
Pre-Requisites maintained in SPRO.
• VIQMEL-QMTXT is mandatory in field selection for Notification
• Notification type have "Early Number Allocation"
• Defined order and notification integration in SPRO
SAP Notes relevant in this topic- 2141834 and 2143621 (latest).
I am unable to resolve this error after following steps in SAP Note-2143621. Can anyone help here, if faced a situation before. Pls refer attachment.