May i know what is this error ("No framework program was found for include ZXVDBU04") about?
I got this error when trying to put a breakpoint at a statement in the include program ZXVDBU04.
Fyi, ZXVDBU04 (EXIT_SAPLVEDB_004) is a function exit in FM 'IDOC_INPUT_ORDCHG'.
EXIT_SAPLVEDB_004 is a member of enhancement VEDB0001.
Before I started to modify include program ZXVDBU04, enhancement VEDB0001 is already assigned to a project called 'ZEDI1'.
Due to this, I did not further create a new project for enhancement VEDB0001.
Instead, I modified the include program ZXVDBU04 directly and then released it to QAS.
However, when I tried to insert a breakpoint in this program (in QAS), i received an error message saying that "No framework program was found for include ZXVDBU04"?
May I know how should I get rid of this error message?
Thanks much for your help!
Thanks, gk