We have 1.24 SAPUI5 version but I have pointed my application to 1.22 as we have different environments have differnet versions and production have 1.22.3.
We are getting weired error shown below
1.Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (NOT FOUND)
> But, when I looked at the resources that are loaded in the Developer Console, I see that sap-ui-code.js is available under 1.22/resources.
> why we are getting this error?
2. Uncaught TypeError: sap.ui.core.theming.Parameters._getThemeImage is not a function
> We were getting this when I use my custom theme, but even I remove the custom theme reference, I am getting the above error?
Is this anything to do with 1.22 version of SAPUI5?
We have 2 systems in our regression environment with one 1.24 and 1.22 - does this leads to any issues?