We have a service which is called from outside SAP.
The calling system spawns 5 threads and the service is called by each thread.
The process runs fine for some time and then goes into error 503 'Service Unavailable'.
The log seen on ICM is :
[Thr 09] PlugInStopConn: role: Server(1), error: -12, write_err: 1
[Thr 09] PlugInStopConn: write error response
[Thr 09] HttpPlugInWriteErrorText: return static error for "No more connections available" (-12)
[Thr 09] HttpPlugInWriteErrorText: templ_path: /usr/sap/DCI/DVEBMGS00/data/icmandir/error_templ, err_idx: -1
[Thr 09] ICT: IctIHttpOpenMessage: 107c41f00 typ=2
[Thr 09] HttpParseResponseHeader: no transfer-encoding set
[Thr 09] HttpParseResponseHeader: Version: 1000
[Thr 09] HttpParseResponseHeader: Keep-Alive: 0
[Thr 09] HTTP response [2/355484/1]:
[Thr 09] HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
[Thr 09] date: Fri, 01 Jul 2016 00:21:46 GMT
Any expert tips and pointers will be highly appreciated.