Im working with a CE1**** table where i have sales order nr KAUFN. im trying to:
1- join KAUFN to table VBRP.AUBEL - OK, it's done, i will then have to distinct to obtain only one record. (VBRK doesn't have sales order nr)
2- join VBRP.VBELN to VBAK.VBELN, in order to obtain ERDAT (Creation date of Sale) NOK
3- join VBRP.VBELN to LIKP.VBELN, in order to obtain WADAT_IST (delivery date) NOK
These last two steps are failing, i've filtered for some VBRP VBELN's in VBAK and LIKP and i can't seem to find.
What im i missing?
In the end i pretend to obtain creation date and delivery date of each sales order nr.
Kind regards