Hi All,
I added 3 fields at KNA1 by using and append and used the BADI: CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA, CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA_CS ... in order to enhance the customer Dialog and store the data. Generally this is working except in the following case:
The User creates first of all the Customer using transaction xd01 without controling area and save the data.
Then the user creates the controling area data and also maintain the add-on-Fields. If the user saves the data now, the System is entering in all necessary methods like get_data, check_data_changed and save_data. And in Debugging i see that the user-fields are set in structure KNA1 but before saving the System cleares the whole structure KNA1 in standard-program SAPMF02D and therefore does not the save of the additional fields.
Therefore my question:
Is it not possible to save the additional KNA1-Fields if user is creating controling area data? Or do i have to set any other Parameter?