I give you small introduction of myself 1st for better understanding.
Myself Hitesh Daiya. I completed My BE In Information Technology in 2008. I started small software company and in starting the things was really good. We got many local software projects and some from MNC to relate to Data Entry and BPO project. In 2013 the bad period was stared and till this date the I left the organization.
I want to get new start with my life and career too. I was searching job related course and I found SAP. SAP has many modules. While looking towards SAP I feel it’s good to do ABAP or PS Or Data Management related modules for me.
I need help from you people which module will help me to start new journey of my career. I have problems related to finance too. Can u please guide me for module and the place from where I can do the certification at cheap rate as I have many problems related to finance.
Hope you can understand my problem and guide me.
Waiting for the response