Hi Experts ,
I am trying to send mail from HANA using gmail's smtp settings but not able to figure it out.
I have gone through the following blogs but could not find much help.
How to send email from sap hana xs server using javascript
SAP HANA SPS 09: New Developer Features; New Core XSJS APIs
Following is the smtp server settings:
Below is the XSJS code
//create email from JS Object and send var mail = new $.net.Mail({ sender: {address: "*******@gmail.com"}, to: [{ address: "******@gmail.com"}], subject: "XSJS Email Test", parts: [ new $.net.Mail.Part({ type: $.net.Mail.Part.TYPE_TEXT, text: "The body of the mail.", contentType: "text/plain" })] }); var returnValue = mail.send(); var response = "MessageId = " + returnValue.messageId + ", final reply = " + returnValue.finalReply; $.response.setBody(response);
Usually i am getting the following error
Error: error coulnd't establish connection (line 12 position 1 in *******/SEND_MAIL.xsjs)
Am I missing any step or something wrongly configured?
It would be great if somebody can help me on this.