I was hoping that you could help me with two queries I am trying to write.
I want to have a query that I can run, that will prompt me for a sales person and then display all customers for that sales person that have a sales order which has available stock on it that comes to equal to or greater than $100 that isn't already on a picklist.
Here is what I have currently:
SELECT T0.[DocNum], T0.[DocDate], T0.[CardCode], T0.[CardName], sum( T1.[OpenQty]*T1.[Price]) as '$ Value'
INNER JOIN RDR1 T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
INNER JOIN OSLP T2 ON T0.SlpCode = T2.SlpCode
WHERE (T1.[PickStatus] = 'N') AND (T1.[OpenQty] > '0') and T2.[SlpName] = [%0]
GROUP BY T0.[DocNum], T0.[DocDate], T0.[CardCode], T0.[CardName]
I need to add in the WHERE clauses to indicate that the sales order needs to be have "in stock" product of over $100.
By "in stock" - this would mean Available to Release, ensuring that there is enough stock in the OWHS.[WhsCode] = 01. Main that isn't already on picklists.
I also want to have a similar query that can run - but this time I only want to have the following fields:
SELECT T0.[CardCode], T0.[CardName], sum( T1.[OpenQty]*T1.[Price]) as '$ Value'
This way it will total up the available to release stock across multiple orders toascertain if it is above the $100, considering that should there be multiple sales orders below the $100 threshold, it wouldn't show up in the first query - so could be missed.
Let me know if the above needs clarification.
Any help would be much appreciated.