Hi everybody,
I'm facing a little problem while using the built-in OPA5 feature.
All documentations I've found are based on XML Views but I'm using the JS Views of UI5.
This leads - at least in my case to a serious problem: The defined tests simply won't work.
I've created a simple application like in this document:
The only differences are: the view is called mainView and the application name differs.
The opa code looks like this:
jQuery.sap.require("sap.ui.thirdparty.qunit"); jQuery.sap.require("sap.ui.test.Opa5"); jQuery.sap.require("sap.ui.test.opaQunit"); jQuery.sap.require("sap.ui.qunit.qunit-css"); jQuery.sap.require("sap.ui.qunit.qunit-junit"); jQuery.sap.require("sap.ui.qunit.qunit-coverage"); var Opa = sap.ui.test.Opa; var Opa5 = sap.ui.test.Opa5; opaTest("Should press a Button", function(Given, When, Then) { // Arrangements Given.iStartMyAppInAFrame("../index.html"); //Action When.waitFor({ viewName : "opa_test.mainView", id : "pressMeButton", success : function(oButton) { oButton.$().trigger("tap"); }, errorMessage : "Button not found -_-" }); // Assertion Then.waitFor({ viewName : "opa_test.mainView", id : "pressMeButton", matchers : new sap.ui.test.matchers.PropertyStrictEquals({ name : "text", value : "pressed!" }), success : function(oButton) { ok(true, "The button's text changed to: " + oButton.getText()); }, errorMessage : "did not change the Button's text" }); });
If I'm running the test with the xml view the result is as expected: everything works.
If I'm running the test with the JavaScript view, the result is an error at the "action" part I'm receiving the message: "Button not found -_-"
After trying several things I've begun to analyze the generated code and I've found a quite big difference:
In the XML-View the Button which is created appears in the DOM in the following way:
<button id="idmainView1--pressMeButton" data-sap-ui="idmainView1--pressMeButton" ... </button>
In the Javascript View the generated Button looks like this:
<button id="pressMeButton" data-sap-ui="pressMeButton" ... </button>
So for whatever reason the UI5 framework seems to generate the element ids in different ways, since in the view code it looks this:
return new sap.m.Page({ title : "Title", content : [ new sap.m.Button({ id : "pressMeButton", // sap.ui.core.ID text : "Press me", // string press : [ function(oEvent) { oController.onButtonPress(); }, this ] }) ] });
<App> <Page> <content> <Button id="pressMeButton" text="Press me" press="onPress"/> </content> </Page> </App>
As a workaround (at least to get the example to work) I've tried changing the JavaScript coding to this:
new sap.m.Button({ id : "idmainView1--pressMeButton", // sap.ui.core.ID text : "Press me", // string
and now the OPA5 test is running like it should.
So the questions in short are:
* Why is the id generation different for the XML and the JavaScrit view?
* Is there any way, to use the OPA5 framework with JavaScript views without using the mentioned workaround?