Hi all,
i am currently working with SMP3.0 on SP08 and have an Issue with the JDBC Driver.
I exactly followed this Guide: Integration Gateway and Microsoft SQL Server as data source and still get the Connection test failed - Driver class com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver not found Message when i test the connection.
The Driver is getting deployed (at least in the .state folder i get the message deploy.ok) and i can find the JAR file in "MobilePlatform3\Server\work\org.eclipse.virgo.nano.deployer\staging" ...
So in my understanding everything is in place but still the Integration Gateway can't find the JDBC driver.
Is there anything i am missing or is this a Problem with SP08. (FYI i also tried this on a SP03 server and it worked).
Thanks in advance for the Help.
kr Matthias Vavti