I have below custom logic to be implemented for replenishment,
- Warehouse has fixed as well as overflow storage types. While doing replenishment for a product, if there is a fixed bin then it should be filled up first. Assuming there are no fixed bins or no (more) fixed bins then overflow bins should be filled.
I would like to split up in overflow bins - Assume my replen. qty is 2 HUs(i am performing full pallet only) and assume there are no fixed bins. In this case, i will have to pick overflow bins. Say i get first overflow bin which has space for 1 HU. In this case the remaining HU should go to next overflow bin.
I am using BADI /scwm/ex_core_pts_nbin_nrm for this requirement. I see that this BADI is called only at storage type level. In my case, this behavior does not allow me to fill multiple overflow bins as they are getting filled with replen. quantity. For the same above example, BADI gets called for overflow storage type and i am able to propose first overflow bin which can hold 1HU. Warehouse task gets created as expected for this bin. But the other HU which has to be replenished is not getting replenished as BADI does not get called again for same overflow storage type.
Please share your valuable inputs.