Hello All,
I have configured the report shipping and it seems to work.
However I have an issue which I thought to share with you and get your help on this matter.
I have executed following steps:
a. Mark the material - "A" as "Environment Relevant"
b. I have created a new output type ZXX instead of SDB and have configured the access sequence as "0013 - Sales Org" instead of "0011 - Sales Org/Customer"
c. Maintained the condition record via VV21 for the required sales org, for example - "JAPN"
d. Maintained the output determination procedure for item category
However I have noticed that system works as expected when the material entered on the sales order and delivery is "A".
But if the sales order and delivery has a different material - "B" with sales org. as "JAPN", then also the output type ZXX is determined automatically at the item level . The sales order/delivery has only one item with material as "B".
This material - "B" doesn't have "Environment Relevant" indicator, but still the output type is determined.
I dont understand why.
My understanding is, the output type will only be determined for the "Environment Relevant" material and not for all.
Would really appreciate any help in this regard.
Is there any SAP note which corrects this SAP behavior.?
Best Regards,