Hi experts,
I want to assume the bapi 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE' with the movements type 941 and 542
My program upload excel file of items with movements 941 and 542
first, i have run the function with testrun = 'X' and the movements with bwart (942) it's running ok (it_returns = 0)
but the problem is that after that i run the bapi with the movement 542 i get error because the bapi just have done test and havn't created
material document.
but before performing of the bapi without test run I want to make sure that all the movements are ok.
I hope that I explained the issue clearly.
Best Regards
P.S: I don't have problem to perform the bapi without test run,
but if had a problem with one of the movements i wouldn't want the the function create commit to the other movements.