Hi Guys,
Recently we had a couple of customers wondering how to change field names in GTS customs documents in order to meet business requirements.
For example changing field "ABI Status Indicator" at header level of an import declaration to something like "Carrier Status".
In this blog I wanted to share the 2 ways I know this can be achieved in GTS.
The first method is best practice using the IMG node "Configure Determination Procedure for Dynamic Fields Labels".
The second method is transaction CMOD. This isconsidered less flexible as the change is static and doesn't adjust depending on the trade scenario.
Method 1
Configure Determination Procedure for Dynamic Fields Labels
1. In GTS go to transaction SPRO
2. Follow path Global Trade Services -> Customs Management -> General Settings -> Configure Determination Procedure for Dynamic Fields Labels
3. Choose the Determination Procedure. In this case we will go with "US_IMPORTS"
4. Highlight the determination procedure and double click “Fields for Label Determination Procedure”
5. Scroll down to the field you need to change in this case "ABI Status Indicator". Make sure to pick the correct language!! - EN in this case
6. Delete "ABI Status Indicator" and type in "Carrier Status"
So once the field has been changed we must assign this procedure to an activity sequence
Quote from the GTS documentation on node "Configure Determination Procedure for Dynamic Fields Labels"
"Because fields can have different functions, dependent on the process, you have to assign the determination procedure for the field label to the activity sequence in an additional step: Define Control Settings for Communications Processes.
Assigning the determination procedures to activity sequences enables you to configure different field label determination procedures, to ensure that the proper, process-specific labels are displayed at all times."
7. Go back to the IMG main page and follow path Global Trade Services -> Customs Management -> Communication Processes-> Define Control Settings for Communication Processes
From this step on wards it gets a little tricky...
8.Choose your process template
9. Double click "Process" then highlight the relevant process. In this case we are using "CUSIM - Import - Free Circulation"
10. Double click "Activity Sequence" then double click the relevant activity sequence in this case "USABI - Customs Declaration ABI One-Step"
11. Maintain "US_IMPORTS" in the field "Field Label Determ.Proc"
Now every time GTS processes this activity sequence your new field label will get pulled in by the assigned determination procedure.
Method 2
Transaction CMOD
1. Navigate to the field in the customs declaration you want to rename and check the data element of the field by first pressing F1 on it and then pressing the technical information button.
In this case we will choose "Identifier" on the Transportation tab of an Export Declaration. The data element here is /SAPSLL/VIDBC.
2. Navigate to transaction CMOD
3. Select Goto
4. Select Text Enhancement
5. Select Keywords
6. Select Change
7. Then you will be able to scroll down to data element /SAPSLL/VIDBC and rename it.
Please note that Method 1 allows you to define field labels for different scenarios while Method 2 will effect all scenarios - anytime /SAPSLL/VIDBC is called after the change it will be displayed with the new text you saved.
For more general information on transaction CMOD please see this blog by Jignesh Mehta:
How to Change the Field Description
Best Regards,