Crystal Reports 2008 has been used.
Database name: TEST.DB.EDU
Database name has two dots in it.
Report connected to Database name (TEST.DB.EDU).
When tried to access objects like Table or Views or SPs, gives an error:
Not implemented.
Details: Error Code: 0x
Source: ADODB.Connection
Description: Object or provider is not capable of performing requested operation.
I think crystal reports does not support database name with period or dot (for example: TEST.DB.EDU).
I tried designing report connected to other database name TEST_DB_EDU. It worked fine and was able to view report in veiwer using .Net web application.
But when trying to connect to database name TEST.DB.EDU using .Net web application gave error. At runtime passing Server, DB, User credentials.
Following error was displayed when using database name TEST.DB.EDU with .Net web application
Please do confirm whether we can use database having period in it.